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All Windows

The All Windows rule is a special kind of rule assigned to those windows that don't have a corresponding Specific Window or Excluded Window rule. In other words the All Windows rule defines the default set of Actual Tools program's features. Here you can add the default set of title buttons which will be available to every window, extend every window's system menu with handy commands, adjust the default options of minimization, rolling up and closing characteristics, and tweak many other options to suit your needs.

Hint  You can enable the All Windows rule to turn the default processing on or disable it (by unmarking its checkbox) to provide specific windows processing only.

Note that some options have been purposely excluded from All Windows processing when they would be meaningless or possibly problematic for any window. There are, for example, certain windows with no title bar and windows that cannot be minimized or resized, and it would be pointless to specify window positioning or size for such arbitrary window. For this reason the full range of options is available via the Specific Window rules only.

In addition, some system or service windows should be left unhandled by Actual Tools programs. Such windows do their work in the background and therefore do not present themselves for user interaction, so these windows should be excluded to avoid problems that might otherwise arise if you tried to alter their properties or interfere in their behavior.

 Copyright © 2002-2007 Actual Tools. All rights reserved.
 Last modified: April 14, 2007.